Hello! My name is Amanda Nathuji. I am a math and science teacher at Great Minds. I have a B.S. in Biomedical Science with a focus in Microbiology from Texas A&M University (whoop!). In my down time, I enjoy reading, writing, hiking, and spending time with family and friends. I have a Great Pyrenees dog named Nico, and lots of crested geckos!
Although I’m a scientist by degree, I am an educator by heart. I have homeschooled my children for the last 12 years, and plan to continue until they both graduate high school. During the course of creating curriculum for my own children, I realized other children in the community could benefit from learning with us. My family created an educational non-profit organization, through which I taught science courses to gifted and neurodivergent kids for ten years. It was a joy to work with so many children who were following an alternate education path for various reasons. I found a new passion that I continue to pursue today, which is sharing my joy of learning with others.
Although I am new to Great Minds this year, I have long been a proponent of the tenets that govern the school. I am excited and blessed to be working with such amazing humans, who are dedicated to improving the world by touching the life of one student at a time. I look forward to learning with your families!