College Preparation
College Preparation
Here are just a few of the ways that we help prepare our amazing neurodiverse students for college and post-high school life:
- Tuesdays through Thursdays provide four years each of:
- Science with lab (rotates Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and a fourth science)
- Math
- Project-Based Learning (it’s a class name and topics vary by learning block and transcript names match the topic)
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Monday students add on:
- Four years of History (rotates World Geography, World History, Government/Economics, and American History)
- Deep dive credit each year for passion-based portfolio work
- Dual-enrollment partnership with Austin Community College option to get both high school and college credit simultaneously
- TSI (Texas Success Initiative) and SAT prep and testing days
- College visits
- Recommendation letters
- Guidance counselor for post-high school life and college
- Guiding your student through the CommonApp college application